

BASK IN HIS GLORY PSALMS 119:114 THOU ART MY HIDING PLACE AND MY SHIELD: I HOPE IN THY WORD. MY SECRET PLACE I can never get enough of the Lord's special secret place, where He has gifted me with His strength to over come any obstacle that comes my way. Most importantly, His secret place is a place where He lets me "Bask in His Glory." His Glory permeates my entire being. His secret place is where I am victorious, because I am with Him. I am praising Him - adoring Him, and He adores me too. My secret place is His secret place where I experience His fullness of power, or as much as I can handle of His power - where He embraces me - where He demonstrates His word. He is my shield, and buckler. The Lord wants you to come to His secret place too - to "Bask in His Glory" Can you imagine experiencing God's presence in His Glory - His glorious presence that it leaves you breathless? 1 PETER 4:13 But rejoice, inasmuch as ye are partakers of Chr


HIS MIGHTY HAND EPHESIANS 6:10 FINALL, MY BRETHREN, BE STRONG IN THE LORD, AND IN THE POWER OF HIS MIGHT. THE BIG QUESTION Do you often experience times when you feel spiritually weak? You're doing everything you know to do: Reading your Bible, praying, going to church, and seeking the face of God! You are also wearing the FULL Armour of God. But, you still feel spiritually drained! You know that you won't stop doing all of the above, and you know God is by your side, because he says "He will never leave you nor forsake you! (Hebrews 13:5)" I know I have! Until I learned how powerful His Mighty Hand is, and how to experience His virtue from "His Mighty Hand." HOW MIGHTY IS HE Take a look around at everything God has created. You can see everything, and smell everything He created. Then you can see how mighty His hand is. You have to ask yourself! - Am I capable of creating this entire universe? - Am I capable of creating every livi


THE ULTIMATE CONQUEST THE CONQUEST Can you imaging, wanting to be so close to God, that you don't care about anything else? Can you imagine, you wanting to see His face, and making it your number one priority? You can't sleep without wanting to be with Him! You wake up, and the first thing you think about is wanting to be with the Lord!  . Did you think it was even possible that you could want something so bad, that you can't wait for that day when you WILL see the Lord Face forever? YES! Every day! The conquest is there. The Conquest is there for you, and He feels the same way about you. His hunger is there as He awaits for you. "The Ultimate Conquest" when your presence meets with His. He waits, and waits for you to complete "The Ultimate Conquest." YES - YOU! PSALMS 27:4 One thing have I (or you) desired of the LORD, that will I (or you) seek after; that I (or you) may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, to


IN THE MIDST OF HIS SPARKLE NEHEMIAH 8:10.. THE JOY OF THE LORD IS YOUR STRENGTH HIS SPARKLE Have you ever felt down trodden, or, heavy laden? Perhaps, you feel sad, or un-motivated. No spark in your life, no joy, or, no strength - to make you to want to do anything? Well, believe me I can relate. You are not alone. It's a place where I am alone in my thought, a place I don't like, or need to be alone with my thoughts, because it's a lonely place where I can get into trouble. Sometimes, I can be my worst enemy.  My thought process is different when I am there. I don't always make the right decisions, and sometimes I can be very spontaneous. Which is not a good thing when it comes to making decisions that can be life altering. It's a place that lacks clarity, and if there is no clarity, then there is no peace - no joy, no strength, and definitely no self confidence. Just confusion. Then I'm left with the ultimate regrettable exper


  "THE PANGS OF GOD'S GLORY" ROMANS 8:28 - AND WE KNOW THAT ALL THINGS WORK TOGETHER FOR GOOD TO THEM THAT LOVE GOD, TO THEM WHO ARE THE CALLED ACCORDING TO HIS PURPOSE. COMING TO REALITY Do you want victory over your battles, caused by your traumatic experience? Did you think your victory was going to come easy - without a fight? You can have victory! But, you are going to have to fight! The reality that comes with a traumatic experience can be quite numbing, and leave us frozen, and sometimes frozen in time. Traumatic experiences can shake us to our core if we let it. When they do shake us to our core, we have to find our way back to God's Glory. We have to go back to our core to fight - to the very center where we find our pain, to release our pangs, where God's Glory is. But, you are not alone. God is with you! Coming back to God's Glory doesn't come with out a fight. It's a fight that doesn't come with out pain, an


"FEEDING YOUR SPIRITUAL BODY" ARE YOU FEEDING YOUR SPIRITUAL BODY CORRECTLY?  GENESIS 1:27 SO GOD CREATED MAN IN HIS OWN IMAGE, (SPIRIT) IN THE IMAGE OF GOD (SPIRIT) CREATED HE HIM; MALE AND FEMALE CREATED HE THEM. TASTE OF NEW LIFE When we are young - new born, we taste new life - spiritual life. Everything is clean, and fresh. You feel alive. What strength we do have, makes us feel: free, courageous, and strong. In our innocence we feel we can conquer the world. Our senses are heightened by new aromas, and tastes. Our hunger is satisfied only by what we can eat for the first time, and we do eat till we are satisfied. We eat - and eat - and we eat. Then we lay back - looking at our spiritual growth, and say, "AH! THIS IS THE LIFE!"   1 PETER 2:2-3 - 2) As newborn babes, desire the sincere milk of the word, that ye may grow thereby: 3) If so be ye have tasted that the Lord IS gracious. MEDAMORPHESIS We suddenly find ourselves c