BASK IN HIS GLORY PSALMS 119:114 THOU ART MY HIDING PLACE AND MY SHIELD: I HOPE IN THY WORD. MY SECRET PLACE I can never get enough of the Lord's special secret place, where He has gifted me with His strength to over come any obstacle that comes my way. Most importantly, His secret place is a place where He lets me "Bask in His Glory." His Glory permeates my entire being. His secret place is where I am victorious, because I am with Him. I am praising Him - adoring Him, and He adores me too. My secret place is His secret place where I experience His fullness of power, or as much as I can handle of His power - where He embraces me - where He demonstrates His word. He is my shield, and buckler. The Lord wants you to come to His secret place too - to "Bask in His Glory" Can you imagine experiencing God's presence in His Glory - His glorious presence that it leaves you breathless? 1 PETER 4:13 But rejoice, inasmuch as ye are partakers of Chr...